Mr. Brown said, "Don't let's stand to ceremony."
(A) let
(B) stand
(C) to
(D) ceremony
答 (c) to → on
解答 stand on ceremony 「他人行儀にする」
(A) let
(B) stand
(C) to
(D) ceremony
答 (c) to → on
解答 stand on ceremony 「他人行儀にする」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
She has taken it in her head to find fault with him for everything he does.
(A) in
(B) head
(C) find fault with
(D) does
(A) in → into
解答 take it into one's head to + 動詞原形~ 「急に~しようと思いつく」
(A) in
(B) head
(C) find fault with
(D) does
(A) in → into
解答 take it into one's head to + 動詞原形~ 「急に~しようと思いつく」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
When I was a child, my mother would often tell me not to eat among meals.
(A) When I was a child
(B) would
(C) not
(D) among
(D) among → between
解答 eat between meals [間食する]
(A) When I was a child
(B) would
(C) not
(D) among
(D) among → between
解答 eat between meals [間食する]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
When she arrived at work late, she make for some story about being held up in the traffic jam.
(A) arrived
(B) made
(C) for
(D) held up
(c) for → up
解答 make up~ 「(話、うそなど)をでっちあげる」
(A) arrived
(B) made
(C) for
(D) held up
(c) for → up
解答 make up~ 「(話、うそなど)をでっちあげる」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
No matter what may happen, you must not take heart.
(A) No matter what
(B) may
(C) must not
(D) take
(D) take → lose
解答 lose heart [元気をなくす]/take heart[気を取り直す]
(A) No matter what
(B) may
(C) must not
(D) take
(D) take → lose
解答 lose heart [元気をなくす]/take heart[気を取り直す]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
"I don't think it happened on accident. It must have been on purpose. "
(A) happened
(B) on accident
(C) must
(D) on purpose
(B) on accident → by accident
解答 by accident[偶然に]
(A) happened
(B) on accident
(C) must
(D) on purpose
(B) on accident → by accident
解答 by accident[偶然に]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
He received no letter in return of his hospitality.
(A) in
(B) return
(C) of
(D) hospitality
(C) of → for
解答 in return for ~ 「~の返礼として」
(A) in
(B) return
(C) of
(D) hospitality
(C) of → for
解答 in return for ~ 「~の返礼として」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
In Britain the main method of disciplining a child is by some kind of punishment that deprives the child from his freedom.
(A) of disciplining
(B) that
(C) deprives
(D) from
(D) from → of
解答 deprive A(人) of B(物) 「AからBを奪う」
(A) of disciplining
(B) that
(C) deprives
(D) from
(D) from → of
解答 deprive A(人) of B(物) 「AからBを奪う」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
These flowers will live through the winner more often than no.
(A) through
(B) more
(C) often
(D) no
(D) no → not
解答 more often than not[たいてい]
(A) through
(B) more
(C) often
(D) no
(D) no → not
解答 more often than not[たいてい]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
Hearing the news, the lady burst out tears.
(A) Hearing
(B) news
(C) burst
(D) out
(D) out → into
解答 burst into tears [わっと泣き出す]
(A) Hearing
(B) news
(C) burst
(D) out
(D) out → into
解答 burst into tears [わっと泣き出す]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
According to the American constitution, presidential elections are hold every four years.
(A) According to
(B) constitution
(C) are hold
(D) every four years
(C) are hold → are held
解答 be held [行われる]
(A) According to
(B) constitution
(C) are hold
(D) every four years
(C) are hold → are held
解答 be held [行われる]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
The workers were simply fed on with management's general attitude of indifference.
(A) simply
(B) fed
(C) on
(D) indifference
(C) on → up
解答 be fed up with~ [~にうんざりする]
(A) simply
(B) fed
(C) on
(D) indifference
(C) on → up
解答 be fed up with~ [~にうんざりする]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
In spite of her, she felt her face bulsh.
(A) In spite of
(B) her
(C) felt
(D) bulsh
(B) her → herself
解答 in spite of oneself [思わず]
(A) In spite of
(B) her
(C) felt
(D) bulsh
(B) her → herself
解答 in spite of oneself [思わず]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
It is good for you to wake early in the morning and take exercise to the open.
(A) It
(B) in
(C) take
(D) to
(D) to → in
解答 in the open [戸外で]
(A) It
(B) in
(C) take
(D) to
(D) to → in
解答 in the open [戸外で]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
If they have to share the compartment in a stranger, they may travel many miles without starting a conversations.
(A) If
(B) share
(C) in
(D) without starting a conversations
(C) in → with
解答 share A with B [AをBと共有する]
(A) If
(B) share
(C) in
(D) without starting a conversations
(C) in → with
解答 share A with B [AをBと共有する]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
With a litle more patience, we would have succeeded to the experiment.
(A) With
(B) patience
(C) succeeded
(D) to
(D) to → in
解答 succeed in~ [~に成功する]/succeed to ~[~を継承する]
(A) With
(B) patience
(C) succeeded
(D) to
(D) to → in
解答 succeed in~ [~に成功する]/succeed to ~[~を継承する]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
However healthy and energetic one may be, he may get sick at some moment.
(A) However
(B) one
(C) may
(D) some
(D) some → any
解答 at any moment [いつ何どき]
(A) However
(B) one
(C) may
(D) some
(D) some → any
解答 at any moment [いつ何どき]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
We used to mistake Kate in her mother whenever we saw her from behind.
(A) used to
(B) mistake
(C) in
(D) whenever
(C) in → for
解答 mistake A for B [AをBと間違える]
(A) used to
(B) mistake
(C) in
(D) whenever
(C) in → for
解答 mistake A for B [AをBと間違える]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
Her performance on that night did not show her art for its best.
(A) performance
(B) art
(C) for
(D) best
(C) for → at
解答 at one's best [最も良い状態に]
(A) performance
(B) art
(C) for
(D) best
(C) for → at
解答 at one's best [最も良い状態に]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
The more opportunities we have of coming into contact to foreigners, the more necessary it becomes to learn foreign languages.
(A) The more opportunities
(B) coming
(C) to
(D) the more necessary
(C) to → with
解答 come into contact with~ [~に接する]
(A) The more opportunities
(B) coming
(C) to
(D) the more necessary
(C) to → with
解答 come into contact with~ [~に接する]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
This watch is of Swiss make and runs good time.
(A) of
(B) make
(C) runs
(D) time
(C) runs → keeps
解答 keep good time [(時計が)正確である]
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16