I could not bring myself to reading the letter for fear of learning what it said.
(A) bring
(B) to reading
(C) for fear of
(D) what
答 (B) to reading → to read
解答 bring oneself to + 動詞原形~ 「~する気になる」
(A) bring
(B) to reading
(C) for fear of
(D) what
答 (B) to reading → to read
解答 bring oneself to + 動詞原形~ 「~する気になる」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
She wanted to have her father's love for herself.
(A) to have
(B) love
(C) for
(D) herself
答 (c) for → to
解答 have ~ to oneself 「独り占めにする」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
He insisted in going out for a drive although it was raining very heavily.
(A) insisted
(B) in
(C) for a drive
(D) although
答 (B) in → on
解答 insist on + ~ing 「~することを主張する」
(A) insisted
(B) in
(C) for a drive
(D) although
答 (B) in → on
解答 insist on + ~ing 「~することを主張する」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
The English-Japanese dictionary is now print. But you may be able to get hold of a cheap copy at a secondhand bookstore in Kanda.
(A) The English-Japanese dictionary
(B) print
(C) get hold of
(D) secondhand
答 (B) print → out of print
解答 out of print 「絶版で」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
No physicist had so great an influence to the development of modern science as Newton.
(A) influence
(B) to
(C) modern science
(D) as
答 (B) to → on
解答 have influence on ~ 「~に影響を及ぼす」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
You should have come here by foot, not by car, because it's not far.
(A) should have come
(B) by foot
(C) by car
(D) not far
答 (B) by foot → on foot
解答 on foot 「歩いて」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
You can easily dispense without his help.
(A) easily
(B) dispense
(C) without
(D) help
答 (c) without → with
解答 dispense with ~ 「~なしで済ます」
(A) easily
(B) dispense
(C) without
(D) help
答 (c) without → with
解答 dispense with ~ 「~なしで済ます」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
I found the meeting boring and fruitless, in a short, a waste of time.
(A) boring
(B) fruitless
(C) in a short
(D) a waste of time
答 (c) in a short → in short
解答 in short 「要するに」
(A) boring
(B) fruitless
(C) in a short
(D) a waste of time
答 (c) in a short → in short
解答 in short 「要するに」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
When the fire broke out, he quickly made on the emergency exit.
(A) broke out
(B) made
(C) on
(D) emergency exit
答 (c) on → for
解答 make for~ 「~の方へ進む」
(A) broke out
(B) made
(C) on
(D) emergency exit
答 (c) on → for
解答 make for~ 「~の方へ進む」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16