She is usually quite strong, but the new job is talking on her health.
(A) strong
(B) talking
(C) on
(D) health
答 (B) talking → telling
解答 tell on~ 「~に影響する」
(A) strong
(B) talking
(C) on
(D) health
答 (B) talking → telling
解答 tell on~ 「~に影響する」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
The mere mention of his name brought the delegates to their feet in the body.
(A) mention
(B) brought
(C) to
(D) in the body
答 (D) in the body → in a body
解答 in a body 「一団となって」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
The opinion that art should have no to do with politics is itself a political attitude.
(A) that
(B) should
(C) no
(D) itself
答 (C) no → nothing
解答 have nothing to do with~ 「~となんの関係もない」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
It is said that the best way to understand a foreign country is to get acquaint with the people of the country.
(A) It is said that
(B) to understand
(C) acquaint
(D) of the country
答 (C) acquaint → acquainted
解答 get acquainted with~ 「~と知り合う」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
I took notice that she never shook hand with anyone at the reception.
(A) took notice
(B) that
(C) shook hand with
(D) reception
答 (C) shook hand with → shook hands with
解答 shook hands with~ 「~と握手する」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
It is understood that passengers show their tickets in demand.
(A) It
(B) that
(C) in
(D) demand
答 (C) in → on
解答 on demand 「要求あり次第」
(A) It
(B) that
(C) in
(D) demand
答 (C) in → on
解答 on demand 「要求あり次第」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
Children had better be allowed to have their own mind once in a while.
(A) had better
(B) have
(C) mind
(D) in a while
答 (C) mind
解答 have one's (own) way 「思い通りにする」
(A) had better
(B) have
(C) mind
(D) in a while
答 (C) mind
解答 have one's (own) way 「思い通りにする」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
I was spoken of by an Englishman at the station yesterday, but I could not understand him well.
(A) spoken
(B) of
(C) by an Englishman
(D) understand
答 (B) of → to
解答 speak to~ 「~に話しをかける」
(A) spoken
(B) of
(C) by an Englishman
(D) understand
答 (B) of → to
解答 speak to~ 「~に話しをかける」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
In late, computers have become relatively cheap because they are mass-produced.
(A) In late
(B) relatively
(C) because
(D) mass-produced
答 (C) In late → Of late
解答 Of late 「最近」
(A) In late
(B) relatively
(C) because
(D) mass-produced
答 (C) In late → Of late
解答 Of late 「最近」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
As the proverb says, a friend in needs is a friend indeed.
(A) As
(B) says
(C) needs
(D) indeed
答 (C) in needs → in need
解答 in need 「困って」
(A) As
(B) says
(C) needs
(D) indeed
答 (C) in needs → in need
解答 in need 「困って」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
The book my elder sister living in Tokyo gave me was so interesting that I finished reading it sitting on late last night.
(A) living
(B) interesting
(C) reading
(D) on
答 (D) on → up
解答 sit up late 「夜遅くまで起きている」
(A) living
(B) interesting
(C) reading
(D) on
答 (D) on → up
解答 sit up late 「夜遅くまで起きている」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
The train ran with a speed of 80 miles an hour.
(A) ran
(B) with
(C) of
(D) an hour
答 (D) with → at
解答 at a speed of~ 「~の速度で」
(A) ran
(B) with
(C) of
(D) an hour
答 (D) with → at
解答 at a speed of~ 「~の速度で」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
Thank to the tremendous advancements made in medicine, people today have come to enjoy a life far longer than ever before.
(A) Thank to
(B) made
(C) to enjoy
(D) ever before
答 (D) Thank to →Thanks to
解答 thanks to~ 「~のおかげで」
(A) Thank to
(B) made
(C) to enjoy
(D) ever before
答 (D) Thank to →Thanks to
解答 thanks to~ 「~のおかげで」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
The hill where their school stands is famous to the cherry trees that had been planted there thirty years before.
(A) where
(B) to
(C) that
(D) planted
答 (D) to → for
解答 be famous for~ 「~で有名である」
(A) where
(B) to
(C) that
(D) planted
答 (D) to → for
解答 be famous for~ 「~で有名である」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
He agreed to do it on condition that he got paid to advance.
(A) to do
(B) on condition that
(C) got
(D) to
答 (D) to → in
解答 in advance 「前もって」
(A) to do
(B) on condition that
(C) got
(D) to
答 (D) to → in
解答 in advance 「前もって」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
He did an earnest effort to accomplish the task.
(A) did
(B) earnest
(C) effort
(D) to accomplish
答 (D) did → made
解答 make an effort 「努力する」
(A) did
(B) earnest
(C) effort
(D) to accomplish
答 (D) did → made
解答 make an effort 「努力する」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
She got married in her hometown as soon as she graduated at a certain famous university.
(A) got married
(B) as soon as
(C) at
(D) certain
答 (D) at → from
解答 graduate from~ 「~を卒業する」
(A) got married
(B) as soon as
(C) at
(D) certain
答 (D) at → from
解答 graduate from~ 「~を卒業する」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
You make mistakes if you do things in hurry.
(A) make
(B) mistakes
(C) if
(D) in hurry
答 (D) in hurry → in a hurry
解答 in a hurry 「急いで」
(A) make
(B) mistakes
(C) if
(D) in hurry
答 (D) in hurry → in a hurry
解答 in a hurry 「急いで」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
We know through experience that time and tide wait on no man.
(A) through
(B) that
(C) tide
(D) on
答 (D) on → for
解答 wait for~ 「~を待つ」
(A) through
(B) that
(C) tide
(D) on
答 (D) on → for
解答 wait for~ 「~を待つ」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
Thank you very much for coming all a way to the station to see me off.
(A) very much
(B) for
(C) all a way
(D) see me off
答 (C) all a way → all the way
解答 all the way 「(遠くから)はるばる」
(A) very much
(B) for
(C) all a way
(D) see me off
答 (C) all a way → all the way
解答 all the way 「(遠くから)はるばる」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
I have done nothing but to wait for my girl to appear.
(A) nothing
(B) to wait
(C) for my girl
(D) to appear
答 (D) to wait → wait
解答 do nothing but + 動詞原型~ 「~ばかりする」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
She found that it was difficult to adapt herself in her new surroundings.
(A) it
(B) herself
(C) in
(D) surroundings
答 (C) in → to
解答 adapt oneself to~ 「~に適応する」
(A) it
(B) herself
(C) in
(D) surroundings
答 (C) in → to
解答 adapt oneself to~ 「~に適応する」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
Is it possible to automatically translate English in Japanese?
(A) it
(B) automatically
(C) translate
(D) in
答 (D) in → into
解答 translate A into B 「AをBに翻訳する」
(A) it
(B) automatically
(C) translate
(D) in
答 (D) in → into
解答 translate A into B 「AをBに翻訳する」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
To the limit of my knowledge the rumor is true.
(A) To
(B) the limit
(C) my knowledge
(D) rumor
答 (B) limit → best
解答 to (the best of)my knowledge 「私の知る限りでは」
(A) To
(B) the limit
(C) my knowledge
(D) rumor
答 (B) limit → best
解答 to (the best of)my knowledge 「私の知る限りでは」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16
He was besides himself with joy when he heard it.
(A) besides
(B) himself
(C) with joy
(D) when
答 (A) besides → beside
解答 beside oneself 「(喜びなどに)我を忘れて」
(A) besides
(B) himself
(C) with joy
(D) when
答 (A) besides → beside
解答 beside oneself 「(喜びなどに)我を忘れて」
水哥- 帖子数 : 990
注册日期 : 10-03-16